Scheduled Report Sponsor Information

  1. Unlimited rights to syndicate the content with no expiration date.  

  2. A custom version of the report with the sponsor’s logo on the cover page.

  3. A company or product description on the back page. 

  4. A PDF of the custom report file and optionally, the standard report file.

  5. The opportunity to review and fact-check the report prior to publication.  

  6. A one-sentence description of the company’s product built into the text of the report.

  7. A short case study of a sponsor’s customer if available.  

  8. High-quality, in-depth, and objective content that sponsors can help shape.

  9. Association with a highly respected brand among data analytics leaders. 

  10. A 45-day black-out period in which Eckerson Group won’t promote the report on its site. 


Thought Leadership Report 

A Thought Leadership report examines a new technology, technique, or trend in the data analytics field and explains its significance for data analytics professionals. The report defines the space in layman’s terms, describes its business and technical drivers, and explores primary use cases. It also identifies benefits and challenges and provides an architectural or process framework for understanding key components. Finally, it provides recommendations for how data analytics professionals should capitalize on the new trend.

  • Examines new technology, technique, or trend in the industry. 

  • Focuses on definitions, drivers, benefits, challenges, and use cases.

  • Exclusive sponsorship available for most topics.

Best Practices Report

A Best Practices report examines user adoption of a new technology, technique, or trend and best practices for implementing it. The report interviews industry practitioners with first-hand experience using the technology or technique. The report synthesizes the lessons learned by these practitioners and presents six to ten best practices that can be gleaned from their experience. The report complements the “Thought Leadership” report, providing “color commentary” that brings the topic to life with real customer experiences. 

  • Describes 6-10 best practices gleaned from interviews with practitioners in the field.

  • Exclusive sponsorship available for most topics.

Ultimate Guide Report

An Ultimate Guide report is geared to enterprises that need objective criteriafor selecting products for a given technology. The report provides a brief overview of the technology and then examines eight to twelve criteria that enterprises should consider when selecting a product. The report presents questions that data analytics leaders can use to shed light on the degree to which a product supports the criteria. The report often provides an accompanying spreadsheet that can be used to score and compare products.

  • Exclusive sponsorship available for most topics.

Technology Trends Report

A Technology Adoption report examines adoption rates for an emerging technology, technique, or trend. Based on a survey of Eckerson Group’s community of data analytics leaders, the report  provides insight into adoption trends, including drivers, benefits, challenges, use cases, and perceptions. The report complements a Thought Leadership and Best Practices report, providing quantitative information to shed light on the topic.

  • Describes adoption trends for a new technology, technique, or trend.

  • Often includes survey data

  • Exclusive sponsorship available for most topics.

Top Tier Report

Top Tier reports help companies accelerate the time to evaluate and select products in an emerging tech domain. The report profiles leading products in the space and offers market overview. The Top Tier report provides ample research and support to validate a product selection including a quadrant chart based on aggregate scores, and a bar chart based on individual product scores*

The report contains individual product profiles and past, present, and future product trends. (product offerings must be pre-qualified for inclusion in this report)


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